Active Duty for Training
- The new JTR that was released on 1 Oct 2014 has thrown a huge monkey wrench into what was normal pay and allowances. Read the JTR yourself and consult a competent YN or PS who can ensure your ADT orders are written and executed correctly!
DoDI 1215.13, Reserve Component (RC) Member Participation Policy
BUPERSINST 1001.39F, Administrative Procedures for Navy Reservists
JTR, The Joint Travel Regulations
BUPERSINST 1001.39F, Administrative Procedures for Navy Reservists
JTR, The Joint Travel Regulations
GovDelivery - This is the e-mail service to receive notification about ADT opportunities
ADT is typically used for anything beyond the annual allotted 29 days of AT for a reserve member. It is also used for most schools and is one of the most flexible types of funding in the Navy. Most ADT will be 1 to 140 days but can extend to 365 days. Within ADT there are many subcategories such as ADT-Schools, ADT-Special, etc. Each different designation comes from a different pot of money and can be somewhat discretionary.
ADT over 140 days and the new JTR
Paragraph 5282.A
Called/Ordered to Active Duty for Training of 140 or More Days at One Duty Station. An RC member called/ordered to active duty for training of 140 or more days at one duty station under conditions other than those in par. 5282-B is authorized HHG transportation from HOR, or the PLEAD, to the first or any subsequent PDS.
Paragraph 7355.E
Active Duty for Training (ADT)
1. Travel and Transportation Allowances
a. Fewer Than 140 Days. TDY travel and transportation allowances are payable (Ch 2 and Ch 4) when the ADT period is fewer than 140 days at any one location (except par. 2240). This includes travel to and from multiple duty locations provided ADT is fewer than 140 days at all locations.
b. 140 or More Days. PCS travel and transportation allowances are payable (Ch 5) when the ADT period is 140 or more days at any one location (except par. 2240). This includes travel to and from multiple duty locations if ADT is 140 or more days at one location.
2. Per Diem/AEA
a. Fewer Than 140 Days. Per diem/AEA is payable: (1) At the training location except when par. 7355-B or par. 7355-C applies; and (2) For the entire training period when the original period must be extended due to unforeseen circumstances for fewer than 140 days (including the days remaining on the existing order and the number of days added by the extension).
b. 140 or More Days. Per diem/AEA is not payable: (1) At the training location when the duty is for 140 or more days at one location, or (2) When during an ADT of fewer than 140 days, the duty must be extended for unforeseen circumstances and the extended period is 140 or more days (including the days remaining on the existing order and the number of days added by the extension) starting from the date of the order directing the extended duty.
Gov’t Qtrs and/or Gov’t dining facility/mess availability does not change this determination
Paragraph 7355 Table U7K-1 Footnote 5
An RC member on ADT who otherwise is not authorized per diem and who occupies transient Gov’t housing may be reimbursed the actual cost incurred for service charges/lodging.
Paragraph 9182
An RC member called/ordered to ADT for 140 or more days and authorized PCS allowances with or without authorization for PCS HHG transportation is authorized TLA (Temporary Lodging Allowance)
Paragraph 10428.E
1. Called/Ordered to Active Duty for More Than 30 Days. An RC member called/ ordered to active duty for more than 30 days, except a member without dependents during initial entry training, is authorized primary residence-based BAH/OHA beginning on the first active duty day. This rate continues for the tour duration except as noted below.
a. Called/Ordered to ADT for 140 or More Days and Authorized HHG Transportation. Except as provided in par. 10428-E2, the initial rate terminates on the day before the day the member reports at the duty location prescribed in the active duty order. Authority for PDS location-based BAH/OHA begins on the day the member reports at that location. A member called/ordered to ADT for 140 or more days at one location is authorized BAH/OHA in the same manner as a member already on active duty.
Paragraph 10428.G
Housing Allowances Decision Logic Tables
Paragraph T4045.H.1 Footnote 7
An RC member on ADT not otherwise authorized per diem who occupies transient Gov’t housing may be reimbursed the actual cost incurred for service charges/lodging.
ADT over 140 days and the new JTR
Paragraph 5282.A
Called/Ordered to Active Duty for Training of 140 or More Days at One Duty Station. An RC member called/ordered to active duty for training of 140 or more days at one duty station under conditions other than those in par. 5282-B is authorized HHG transportation from HOR, or the PLEAD, to the first or any subsequent PDS.
Paragraph 7355.E
Active Duty for Training (ADT)
1. Travel and Transportation Allowances
a. Fewer Than 140 Days. TDY travel and transportation allowances are payable (Ch 2 and Ch 4) when the ADT period is fewer than 140 days at any one location (except par. 2240). This includes travel to and from multiple duty locations provided ADT is fewer than 140 days at all locations.
b. 140 or More Days. PCS travel and transportation allowances are payable (Ch 5) when the ADT period is 140 or more days at any one location (except par. 2240). This includes travel to and from multiple duty locations if ADT is 140 or more days at one location.
2. Per Diem/AEA
a. Fewer Than 140 Days. Per diem/AEA is payable: (1) At the training location except when par. 7355-B or par. 7355-C applies; and (2) For the entire training period when the original period must be extended due to unforeseen circumstances for fewer than 140 days (including the days remaining on the existing order and the number of days added by the extension).
b. 140 or More Days. Per diem/AEA is not payable: (1) At the training location when the duty is for 140 or more days at one location, or (2) When during an ADT of fewer than 140 days, the duty must be extended for unforeseen circumstances and the extended period is 140 or more days (including the days remaining on the existing order and the number of days added by the extension) starting from the date of the order directing the extended duty.
Gov’t Qtrs and/or Gov’t dining facility/mess availability does not change this determination
Paragraph 7355 Table U7K-1 Footnote 5
An RC member on ADT who otherwise is not authorized per diem and who occupies transient Gov’t housing may be reimbursed the actual cost incurred for service charges/lodging.
Paragraph 9182
An RC member called/ordered to ADT for 140 or more days and authorized PCS allowances with or without authorization for PCS HHG transportation is authorized TLA (Temporary Lodging Allowance)
Paragraph 10428.E
1. Called/Ordered to Active Duty for More Than 30 Days. An RC member called/ ordered to active duty for more than 30 days, except a member without dependents during initial entry training, is authorized primary residence-based BAH/OHA beginning on the first active duty day. This rate continues for the tour duration except as noted below.
a. Called/Ordered to ADT for 140 or More Days and Authorized HHG Transportation. Except as provided in par. 10428-E2, the initial rate terminates on the day before the day the member reports at the duty location prescribed in the active duty order. Authority for PDS location-based BAH/OHA begins on the day the member reports at that location. A member called/ordered to ADT for 140 or more days at one location is authorized BAH/OHA in the same manner as a member already on active duty.
Paragraph 10428.G
Housing Allowances Decision Logic Tables
Paragraph T4045.H.1 Footnote 7
An RC member on ADT not otherwise authorized per diem who occupies transient Gov’t housing may be reimbursed the actual cost incurred for service charges/lodging.
The early bird get the worm.