Records Management
- Not keeping your records current could cost you a promotion or cost your family entitled pay.
DONI - Department of the Navy Issuances (Instructions, Publications, Directives, & Manuals)
NMCI - Navy & Marine Corps Intranet Webmail/Email
BOL - Bupers Online
NSIPS - Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System
NPC - Navy Personnel Center
FITREPS - Fitness Reports
NAVFIT98A - Download Fitness Report Software for your Computer
EVALS - Evaluations
OSR - Officer Service Record
Officer Promotions
Enlisted Promotions
NMCI - Navy & Marine Corps Intranet Webmail/Email
BOL - Bupers Online
NSIPS - Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System
NPC - Navy Personnel Center
FITREPS - Fitness Reports
NAVFIT98A - Download Fitness Report Software for your Computer
EVALS - Evaluations
OSR - Officer Service Record
Officer Promotions
Enlisted Promotions
Upon entry into the Navy, I thought I provided all the necessary documentation to my recruiter. Now, after 2 years of scrambling to try to get my records corrected, I still have a significant number of omissions and mistakes. I'm finally getting paid the right amount but am starting to sweat about my upcoming promotion board knowing that my record has gaping holes in it. My best friends have been my Personnelist, PERS 911, and PERS 912.